PC de panel industrial | Monitores industriales | Computadoras industriales | Placas base industriales

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TouchThink focuses on the R&D, producción y venta de monitores industriales, PC industrial ARM todo en uno, PC industrial X86 todo en uno, miniordenador industrial, placas base industriales, etc., y ha acumulado una gran cantidad de soluciones de aplicaciones industriales.

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Hogar > Vehicle Mounted S Series

Touchthink Vehicle Mounted S Series 10.1 Inch Vehicle Mounted Windows All-In-One Panel PC IP65 Shock-Proof Drop-Proof Water-Proof CAN ACC Special Vehicles

Touchthink Vehicle Mounted S Series 10.1 Inch Windows All-In-One Panel PC TPC101-W7 Technical Specifications ❮ ❯ Diseño de conector de aviación anti-droga, a prueba de choque y anti-gota, dustproof and waterproof Support ACC time delay shutdown, avoiding the impact of sudden power failure on the device Self-developed motherboard, quad-core powerful processor Optional CAN interface for easy connection with vehicles Quick […]

Pensar al tacto 10.1 Inch Vehicle Mounted Android All-In-One Panel PC IP65 Shock-Proof Drop-Proof, water-Proof CAN ACC Industrial Special Vehicles

Pensar al tacto 10.1 Inch Vehicle Mounted Android All-In-One Panel PC TPC101-A7 Technical Specifications ❮ ❯ Diseño de conector de aviación anti-droga, a prueba de choque y anti-gota,dustproof and waterproof Support ACC time delay shutdown, avoiding the impact of sudden power failure on the device Self-developed motherboard, quad-core powerful processor Optional CAN interface for easy connection with vehicles Quick Inquiry TTouchthink 10.1 […]

Pensar al tacto 10.1 Inch Vehicle Mounted Industrial Monitor IP65 Fanless Low Power Anti-Vibration Dust-Proof Waterproof Wall-Mounted Cantilever

Pensar al tacto 10.1 Inch Vehicle Mounted Industrial Monitor TPC101-M7 Technical Specifications ❮ ❯ Muere independiente de la apariencia., front panel narrow frame design Strong structure design, antivibración, a prueba de polvo, waterproof Independently developed high-performance display driver board Industrial quality, support diversified customization Adapt to dust oil pollution, niebla de agua, strong electromagnetic and high Frequency vibration and other complex heavy industry […]